Author: admin

Top 5 Ways To Make Less Money

Are you making too much money? Let me guess, you have too much work and you have to get rid of some clients? I’ve heard it a thousand times, and this is your opportunity to make a change. Here are my Top 5 Ways to Make Less Money: Keep them waiting. Clients hate this. If […]

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I’ll Know It When I See It

It catches you off guard. Leaping out of the darkness like a stalker. You’ve invested time, energy, and probably a bit of yourself into the project. If you’re seasoned enough, you may have even insisted on some sort of direction from the beginning. You might have even asked questions about the client’s needs and desires […]

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Why Design Matters

Good design moves me. It moves me to smile. It moves me to think. It moves me to cry. And I love watching it move others. Design is able to pull a wide range of emotions out of the viewer, the listener, the experiencer, the creator. It doesn’t matter if it’s graphic design, sound design, graffiti, baking, […]

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